Some top hints at methods and ideas for better SEO

  • Have good recognition from the population

  • Become knowable, trust-able and like-able

  • Consider positioning your brand - the space you will occupy in your customer's mind.
    It should be the feeling people will get when they want to be with you, therefore the reason they will be good to you and your brand.
    Create a positioning statement like you would a textual logo about your brand.
    Keep it short and positive.
    Have a secondary but short elevator pitch for your brand to a customer.

  • Work in narrow niche markets if you want to start out new and succeed on the internet.

  • Make a list of people who are influential and get a relationship with them. They have a good following and you can gain from your relationship with that and the secondary part is their following also has a following that can be a good pay off for you as well.
    They bring their followers and their followers.
    This can surely increase traffic to your site and in the end when they comment on social media etc., that alone will sell your product for you.
    Remember their loyalty is gold!
    If a person recommends your brand to their following it is good for you and in their conversations about your brand they are spreading awareness about it.
    Remember the people who swear by Pepsi and Coke? The fact that Coke sells more but in a blind taste test people preferred Pepsi a slight bit more than Coke. This means that you have to get influential people on your side before your competition does if you want that success.
    Remember you need a niche that sells to their fans.

  • Think about the types of topics, blogs, and tweeters that your audience would follow

  • Who would be a good person who is influential and given the right circumstances would promote your brand

  • Think about who you already have that best promotes your brand without being paid to do so and why they do it.
    Can you repeat that process with other people. Who are they? Approach them in a good way to relate

  • Bloggers in similar areas of 'Brand" business can be good for a link to your site - they are top performers as far as being influential to their audience - you can get attention form them and grow form a link to your site or a good review of your brand

  • On social media sites like twitter and Facebook as well as Google+ find the best folks with similar interests to your brand and relate to them

  • Follow hash-tags in twitter that are similar to your brand - return positive comment

  • Hootsuite is something I just got started on and need to return to, to organize my tweets and have them published in a timely fashion even if I am asleep

  • If you are selling ad space don't have too many ads vs text on a page

  • Give out free items to good reviewers and influence people to write about your brand by giving them something for free and possibly getting a good review online.
  • Consider paying someone for a top recommendation or exchange front page links to each others website

  • If someone writes a nice post about your brand , then share it to your social media

  • If someone is really productive possibly a commission or a financial reward is in order for continued progress in that area of recommendation

Roger Chartier       Disclaimer - Privacy Policy The Author - Roger Chartier
