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Man leads the woman.

Pairs around the room, going counter-clockwise.

Partners face each other,

The man's left hand holds the woman's right.

His right hand is touches her left shoulder or her waist

and her left arm is draped over his right arm or his shoulder.

Man: Move forward, start with left foot:

1. step left taking an elongated step and

     dipping slightly at knees

2. step forward right

3. step forward left

4. step forward right taking an elongated step

     and dipping slightly at knees

5. step forward left

6. step forward right

Woman: mirror the moves

Move backward, start with right foot:

1. step back right taking an elongated step
     and dipping slightly at knees

2. step backward left

3. step backward right

4. step backward left taking an elongated step

     and dipping slightly at knees

5. step backward right

6. step backward left

Dance in 3/4 time with accents on first and fouth step/beat.