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508 996-0495
17 Oak St. New Bedford, Ma. 02740
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Party Planner (Print Me)







Party start time (as stated on contract):___________________

Person organizing the party

contact info_________________________________________

Time guest(s) of honor will arrive________________________________________________

Is it a surprise?   yes   no

Name(s) of guest(s) of honor____________________________

Any special theme or the reason for the party?: 
ie; birthday anniversary, divorce etc. ____________________________________

Names of people to be introduced for speeches or toasts:




Are we having a cake cutting?_____ Yes   No 
If yes is it after dinner or some other time?____________

Honored couple first dance?___ Yes - No

Song request Title_____________________Artist____________________

Games and events______________________________________________


Comedy Roast__________________________________________ yes   no 
People who know the guest(s) get up to the
microphone and tell stories and jokes about the guest(s) 

Gift opening ___________________________________________ yes   no
Guest(s) of honor are seated in plain view of every guest
to open gifts and thank the gift giver... or maybe not..  

Snowball dance_________________________________________ yes   no 
Guest(s) of honor get on the dance floor for a slow dance
and dance for 15 seconds then  dj announces to get new partners.
They go to the audience and choose new partners and then the 4 dance
for 20 seconds. Dj announces for all to  get new partners and the
4 go to get new partners.  This goes on repeatedly until the floor is full.

Limbo contest___________________________________________ yes   no
Best for young audience: A limbo stick is held by 2 volunteers
and the "Limbo Rock" is played  while contestants
do the "Limbo" under the stick. The stick gets lower and lower. 
Those who fail are eliminated. Last one to make it under wins!

Hula Hoop contest_______________________________________ yes  no
A few contestants are chosen and the music is played
until the hula hoop falls.
Whoever keeps it up longest wins!

Comedy contest_________________________________________ yes  no
People sign up to tell jokes and make everyone laugh.
Each contestant gets 3 minutes.
Winner is determined by applause

Musical chairs___________________________________________ yes  no
Make a line of chairs in the middle of the dance floor.
Every other chair is facing opposite. 
Use one less chair than there are players. 
Have the players walk in a circle around the chairs until 
the music stops and then they must get into a chair. 
The person who loses leaves and one chair is removed.
This continues until the end.

Costume contest_________________________________________ yes  no
People in costume are paraded around the dance floor once or
twice and then audience applause for each decides the winner

Hot potato: _____________________________________________Yes   No 
A group forms a circle and the object is passed
around and around until the music stops, then the person
holding the "Hot  Potato" is eliminated.

Old fashioned "Twist" contest: ____________________________Yes   No
Winner is determined by judges and or applause.

Centerpiece giveaway___________________________________  Yes    No  
If Yes:
Do you want the Disc Jockey to coordinate this?  Yes    No
Would you like to make a game of it by choosing the the winner
from each table who is
A   The one whose birthday is nearest this party date    Yes    No
B   Passing a dollar around the table and when the music stops
     the last one holding the dollar wins the centerpiece?   Yes   No
C  Have them arm wrestle for it ? ... (only kidding)

Your suggestion______________________________________________

Roger Chartier - 508 996-095  
 17 Oak St - New Bedford, Ma. 02740

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